Highly qualified teachers who are currently teaching at schools ranging from elementary to college teach classes that start from 3rd grade all the way to 9th grade in Reading Comprehension, Language Arts, Vocabulary, Writing, Grammar, Math, and Science & Lab, focusing on preparing students for the upcoming school year.
Easier sections are explained thoroughly in short, to the point lessons with homework to make sure students understand the material fully. Harder sections are taught over again until students understand themain points and are able to point out different parts themselves.
In particular, Our Science & Lab classes make sure to use the textbook used in your child's school curriculum and make sure to also do experiments on our own to keep the children thinking creatively and outside the box. Our classes help to grow their logical and reasoning skills. Besides the theory-driven lessons taught at school, we offer an exciting and innovative programthat offers another viewpoint of science.
Through these programs, the students will be prepared for the upcoming school year and will be able to start with confidence in their skills. Many parents and students who have been in this program come back the following year so that their children may take part in this exciting program once more.
Common core standard (공통교과과정)에 맟춰 더욱 Upgrade 된 Grade Prep Courses
현직 교사나 대학 강사들로 구성된 실력있는 선생님들이3학년부터 9학년 학생들 대상으로 Reading Comprehension Language Arts, Vocab, Writing, Grammar, Math, Science & Lab 등 중요과목을 공통 교과 과정에 맟춘 새로운 커리큘럼으로 미리 준비시킵니다.
쉬운 부분은 간단 명료한 강의와 충분한 Homework을 통해 스스로 공부하고 개념 이해가 어렵거나 반복 학습이 필요한 중요한 부분들은 더 많은 시간을 할애하여 자세한 설명을 통해 완벽하게 익히도록 합니다.
특히, Science & Lab 시간에는 해당학년 교과서에 나와있는 다양한 실험을 실제로 해보고, 시험일지를 써 봄으로 창의력은 물론 논리적인 사고력까지 키울수 있으며 학교에서 이론 위주의 교육만을 받아오던 학생들에게 흥미진진한 경험과 함께 Science 에 대한 새로운 시각을 갖게 해 줄것입니다.
이 Program을 통해 다음 학년을 철처히 준비한 모든 학생들이 자신있게 새학년을 맞이하고, 모든 학생과 학부모님들이 아주 만족하여 매해 다시 등록함으로 이미 그 효과가 입증된 Program 입니다.
Address: 1021 W. Bastanchury Rd. #171 Fullerton, CA 92833 • TEL. 714.525.2204